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Number of entries: 553
- poopsisipsers, - 27.01.2011, 07:54 CET
Pleased New Year one! :)
- Lorencohag, - 18.12.2010, 16:27 CET
So..... where is toilet? Hehe))) Joke, relax ;) Thanks
- sirensofthesevenseas - 22.10.2010, 01:12 CET
man i still can't believe you're gone... it's almost a year...may your soul rest in peace my friend...:(
- christian, - 07.09.2010, 16:49 CET
What a grate band, and what a shame my ex havent give me an opportunity of been at least a friend...any way, one day we all gonna be happy!
- Malice In Wonderland - 20.07.2010, 22:41 CET
R.I.P Jan. Was a great pleasure sharing the stage with you! Your great music will live on! Best Malice In Wonderland
- E.Shunn, - 04.07.2010, 22:21 CET
wounderfull website
- xaridimos - 15.05.2010, 11:40 CET
great guitar gothic... masters in that genre!
- PyrateSteele, - 12.04.2010, 09:05 CET
I just learned. I will miss you Jan, and your wonderful voice. See you on the other side so I can kick your butt for never sending me your hat as payment for the Elusive banner I made for you! Love ya always! B.
- Demian Ashes - 27.03.2010, 18:44 CET
Great voice Jan...r.i.ip.
- Brandon George, - 02.03.2010, 21:44 CET
I first heard of Elusive through a Goth compilation that I downloaded from some random blog. I got hooked at my first listening. Good work, yet terrible loss for Jan :(
- Csoni, - 31.12.2009, 15:43 CET
I found Elusive on youtube a month before Jan died. Liked them at first sight and hoped the band will soon visit Hungary. :( Latiatuc feleym zumtuchel mic vogmuc. yſa pur eſ chomuv uogmuc. (Behold with your own eyes my kin what we are! Sure we are just dust and ashes.) Cs.
- Vero, - 18.11.2009, 21:57 CET
Jan - we feel lucky to have met you and shared so many laughters with you. You were a wonderful person and you will be missed you dearly. We will always think of you through your music and every time we see Monty Python, hear Johnny Cash or hear the word Lubeck ! Man - still can't believe you are gone. Love xxx
- Torsten, - 15.11.2009, 18:51 CET
The world will be a little colder without you ... Rest in peace, my frind. You will live forever in your music and in our hearts.
- Aydé Eguía, - 11.11.2009, 18:30 CET
terrible lost for the goth music Descansa en Paz amigo :(
- Annou-ki - 11.11.2009, 11:19 CET
Rest in peace, my love. Vi snakkes.... :\'( The pain is unbearable...
- D.j. G.Host, - 11.11.2009, 01:07 CET
Jan, our world just got a hell of a lot smaller ! Enjoy your freedom brother.
- Bernard, - 09.11.2009, 21:34 CET
Jan, I will never forget our chats before and after the gigs... You could pick a face out of a crowd and make a gig a night to remember. Always in for a laugh and also a drink (or maybe two) ofcourse ! Your legacy lives on in your music. Strength and sympathy to the ones close to you. R.I.P. Jan. We will never forget you.
- kollegar på mills - 03.11.2009, 10:06 CET
Trist å motta budskapet. Vi lyser fred over ditt minne.
- Ronny Veland, - 02.11.2009, 10:54 CET
:( Hvil i fred. Vil savne stemmen din :( Du hadde en stemme ingen andre hadde.
- Sunniva Veland, - 01.11.2009, 22:38 CET
Hvil i fred, Jan Kenneth! :/
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