
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Diny, - 06.06.2005, 21:27 CET
    Hi, Your music is wonderful! I´m Brazilian and I buy the "Destination Zero" (very rare here), and I loved this album, You are great band !!!
  • Bjartiis - 06.06.2005, 10:29 CET
    Nice nice nice cover guttar! Begynne å gleda meg t pladå nå, så dokk må bare få fingen ud... Spent på om der e noen coversanger på;-)
  • ivhan, - 01.06.2005, 19:16 CET
    ola teresita!! no te conozco, pero e leido tu post y no me e aguantado para contestarte,un saludo para la gente de sanctuary ! the circle never ends!(barcelona spain)
  • Lars J - 04.05.2005, 14:43 CET
    Begynner å bli en passende tittel, The Great Silence ja ;) Stiiilig cover!
  • Wndead, - 19.04.2005, 05:02 CET
    the music is perfect, you should compose more often. you should come to mexico, a lot of people would come to see you guys
  • Perrito, - 12.04.2005, 09:36 CET
    ... hrm REALY nice music i love it and amazing lyrics MAKE MORE NOW :P
  • darksome, - 01.04.2005, 22:32 CET
    Guys!! Your music is wonderful! Destination Zero is the best album i've listen to! I have more than 3000 albums, and yours is the best from them!
    Russian goths are waiting sosmething new form you! Good luck!
  • Xavi, - 28.03.2005, 23:30 CET
    Nice fucking goth rock band! come to spain! :P
  • Teresa, - 17.03.2005, 23:21 CET
    Sois increibles!!!!!Vuestra musica suena cada fin de semana en "Sanctuary"(barcelona) a la gente le encantan,vuestros temas.
    Un saludo desde Barcelona(Spain)
  • Diti, - 28.02.2005, 23:01 CET
    The Release of yer last album is way back. I hope you guys are going to release an other on :-]
    Looking really forward to it!
    Greetz from Germany
  • Vidar, - 28.02.2005, 10:04 CET
    Det ble rock'n'roll på fredag.
    Takk for glimrende performance og samarbeid :)
  • georg - 28.02.2005, 07:55 CET
    echt klasse site -
    komme gerne wieder...
    musikalische greetz aus dem
    wienerwald !!
  • Mike - 27.02.2005, 13:08 CET
    Tack för en grymt treclig kväll i Oslo, fan ni var ju aldeles för bra :-)
    /Micke (Funhouse)
    PS! Vad saägs om att göra lite gigs tillsammans??
  • lunacia - 27.02.2005, 08:51 CET
    Most excellent concert on Friday! :D
  • Cor, - 24.02.2005, 23:56 CET
    Hey Jan, I'm looking for the new album. Do you have a date when it will there. The songs I heared in Gavere were very good.
    Dark blessings
  • Dj Henriik - 22.02.2005, 18:11 CET
    Jaja Dj Bjartiis... stygge rykter vil ha det te at gjengen faktsik blei ferige me det grøvsta nå i helgjå...
    Hail the velvet cape and the wooden cross!
  • DJ Bjartiis, - 09.02.2005, 15:57 CET
    Hola, bandejos! Syns dokk går stille i dørene om dagen, må snart skje noe nå vel? Satse på ein renessanse for gamle slagere og jedna ein Crüe-cover og tri på neste settliste f.eks.? ;-)
  • Sven, - 08.02.2005, 22:02 CET
    Hello, I want to please you to come to Germany! I realy want to see you Live. You`re a great band!! Go on an make a new Album.
    Greetings from Germany!
  • Lars J - 08.02.2005, 16:25 CET
    Kan Destination Zero utenat nå - hva mer forlanger dere før dere slipper den neste egentlig??? :)
  • PÃ¥l - 05.02.2005, 01:40 CET
    Ja, nå syns eg og det e på tide me nye plata!! Röven i gear! ;)

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