Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or
views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion
and for any reason.
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Number of entries: 553
- Fragile_mind, - 16.08.2002, 21:53 CET
I never hear so strong and exelent vocals..great band.. katatonia/anathema and now elusive..
- rodrigo bonilla, - 10.08.2002, 02:10 CET
it´s really gorgeous
- Sanny, - 07.08.2002, 23:52 CET
Hi Guys there I am again! looking forward to see you at M'era Luna! this weekend. You are one of the few bands that bring back the Gothic Rock!! Please keep on doing it!! Lots of love and kisses Sanny
- Pantheon, - 04.08.2002, 00:32 CET
Faen! Endelig fått fingen ut å bestillt cd fra cdon, så får jeg følgene svar: "Dessverre er din bestilling blitt forsinket. Vi ber om unnskyldning for det inntrufne. Vi kan dessverre ikke gi deg noen eksakt leveransedato, men vi gjør vårt ytterste for at du skal få dine varer snarest mulig." *gråte* da er det vel bare å vente!
- Pantheon, - 26.07.2002, 17:00 CET
Etter å ha sett dere live tre ganger, (Club grotecque, Gotham nights og Club Lesat) så følte jeg at det var på tide å kjøpe cd'n og ikke bare høre på mp3 :) Stå på! Kom til Stavanger snart igjen!
- Johan - 25.07.2002, 15:42 CET
Looking forward to see you at the M'era Luna festival! Best Wishes.. Johan
- Kong kristohol, meir@iglasset.snott - 25.07.2002, 09:24 CET
BREEEENNNEEEVIIIINNN!!!!!! Elle ka unge Kristohol?
- Linda fra Odda, - 09.07.2002, 11:20 CET
ey,kul sia!skal sjekka ut musikken og når eg får pengar!
- Tapio, - 03.07.2002, 12:37 CET
Nice looking and informative site.
- olve, - 28.06.2002, 22:00 CET
flotte greier jan kenneth.
- Bert Hillen, - 16.06.2002, 10:58 CET
I'm proud that Elusive will play at the Event, Geel, Belgium in November. Your album is fantastic, I hope there will be make more of this good stuff. See you in Belgium and wish you all succes. Bert Hillen Member of Caer Gwydeon vzw
- Max Thrasher, - 08.06.2002, 14:23 CET
Hey Tommy, hey everybody!! Max of New Zealand House Of Noizz here. :) Just decided to drop you a line in the guestbook... Don't really have anything constructive to say, except that you ROCK and that I can't wait for any new material to come out! :) Love ye all :) Max
- Leandro Silva da Costa, - 05.06.2002, 05:26 CET
Hello it is the first time that I know your songs but are really pretty good!!! Theatre of Tragedy and Elusive Rules!
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View entries from the periode 11.0901-10.05.02: