
Norwegian Blue
(Posted on 01.04.2009, 13:28 CET)

Despite the beautiful plumage, Elusive has ceased to be and have joined the bleedin' choir invisible.

Dear Friends, Fans and our newly won Enemies.

First of all we'd like to express our sincerest apologies for the cancellations of our shows in Dada (Greece) and WGW (UK).

We started out many years ago with a great idea and a record entitled Destination Zero. Eventhough we never managed to reach the heights we were aiming at when we started, it has been some truly wonderful years, but as the climate in the music business has deteriorated every year from then to now. It has been a constant struggle to keep going, and we've gone more and more out of our way to please everyone. In doing so we forgot about the actual players in the band, and it started rotting from the inside, so in a string of unfortunate events, tensions and misunderstandings, this led not only to the cancellation of the three shows, but also the end of the road for Elusive.

Furthermore, on behalf of all 3 of us, a very special apology to the inhabitants of Dada. We first came to your place in 2004 and I don't think it took one hour before we started to referring to it as our second home, it has been ever since. Treasured memories that will be with us for life.

It's a really shitty thing to end a song on a bad note...

Jamas! and thanks for everything.

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