
New album to be released on the 27th of June
(Posted on 27.05.2005, 21:29 CET)

June 27th 2005 marks the end of Elusive's "The Great Silence" and their second album will be finally out. This time for good!

From Pandaimonium press release:"Fall 2001 saw the release of Elusive's critically acclaimed debut album and while most other bands would have made the almost classical mistake to have a second album quickly following the debut, Elusive took their time to tap their full creative potential for the songwriting process and to choose the absolute best songs from that immense output.

The Great Silence was worth every day of waiting for it not only very well unites all the attributes their debut was loved for – straight rocking guitars, atmospheric keyboard parts, and charismatic vocals that combine in catchy, almost hymn-like melodies in a very exciting way.

With The Great Silence, ELUSIVE will take the hearts of all rock fans by storm, and prove once again that genuine rock is not dead!!!

Find out more here.

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